Dansie Shopping Cart configuration warning!
Your vars.dat file appears to be corrupt. Check to make sure that you only edit the vars.dat file with a plain text editor, not an HTML editor. Also, upload the vars.dat file in ASCII format via FTP and not binary format. You can get a new vars.dat file in the latest ReadMe package.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions: cart@dansie.net

Use of the Dansie Shopping Cart software is subject to the terms of the license agreement. By using this software you signify that you have read the license agreement and accept its terms. Your purchase of a Dansie Shopping Cart software license entitles you to one (1) working copy of the script per license. You may NOT copy, reproduce, resell, or give away copies of the script in any way shape or form without first purchasing additional licenses. You may make one back up copy should something happen to the working copy on your host. You may not make any modifications to the Dansie Shopping Cart script except as instructed in the ReadMe. The small text link and credit to http://www.dansie.net must remain in the script and appear at the bottom of the various pages of shopping cart script. Violation of this license agreement may void your license without refund, your right to technical support and subject you to legal action.
Dansie Shopping Cart 3.81 Mall Version
Copyright © Dec 10, 1997-2009